Most of you who are viewing our website are probably from Westmount. Well, we would like some donations from you! There will be a box inside of Mr.Robinson's Classroom (Rm. 11) and hopefully one outside of the main office (Atrium) so that you can donate things to the Calgary Humane Society. Money donations would be helpful too; if you are willing to donate money, please contact us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we can. 
here is a list of things that you can donate to the Humane Society:    
 -         Old Towels, sheets or blankets to use as bedding

-          Cat beds (the more colourful the better!). Keep in mind that the beds go into the cat kennels so bigger is not always better.

-          Old stuffed toys for the dogs

-          Cat toys (with or without catnip added)

-          Science Diet dry and canned dog and cat food (if you donate “other” brands of foods the food does NOT go to waste! The Humane Society uses it to help other animal rescues, the food bank and individual pet owners who cannot afford food for their animals so if anyone does want to donate unopened bags or cans of another brand of food it is welcome)

-          Paper Towel

-          Packages of new batteries (all different types but especially AA and D)

-          Aleene’s tacky glue (comes in gold bottles and can be found at Walmart and Michaels)

-          Our foster program would really really like a small portable CD player for the foster room at the shelter. We play music that has been specially designed to help relax the animals but the CD player in the foster room broke after many thousands of hours of play. We have two foster rooms at the shelter... one is for foster animals coming back from foster to go up for adoption and the other is for animals that are waiting to head out to foster homes.

-          If you could manage even just one of those donations, that would be wonderful!
Animal abuse is an important issue in our society. They are mistreated, malnourished, and left to die. Their world doesn't have to be black & white, if you reach out and help, we can create a better world for all animals, whether they're wild, or pets. Help save the animals!!